
Aaron Fry


Associate Professor, School of Design Strategies, Parsons The New School for Design

Born in New Zealand, Aaron Fry is an artist, designer and strategic design educator with twenty-four
years of full-time experience in the design education field. Currently, he is concentrated on analyzing the role of design in 21st Century strategies for information visualization; both quantitative and behavioral at the intersection of design, business and the social sciences, with an emphasis on social justice. Aaron is the author of numerous articles, speaks regularly at conferences and workshops internationally on visualization, business education, and the role of design in financial literacy.


Carol Overby


Assistant Professor, School of Design Strategies, Parsons The New School for Design

Carol Overby's experience as financial consultant to creative industries enriches her teaching of management skills in the BBA program. She is fascinated by the many ways that individuals (mis)understand finance and numbers, and co-founded the Visualizing Finance Lab to research ways of improving financial literacy through visual storytelling. Carol also promotes quantitative literacy across the university, and serves on the board of the National Numeracy Network.


Jennifer Wilson


Associate Professor, Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Lang College The New School for Liberal Arts

Jennifer is Associate Professor of Mathematics at Eugene Lang College, The New School.  Her research interests include mathematics applied to the social sciences, particularly game theory and allocation problems. She is also interested in the visual tools and metaphors that can be used to convey abstract concepts in mathematics, economics and decision-making.

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Bhargavi Kamakshivalli

VFL Researcher 

With a Masters degree in Innovation and Creativity in Industry from London College of Communication, Bhargavi has been actively involved in designing services and applications for major banks and FinTech startups for the last 10 years. Bhargavi’s interest in the financial industry coupled with her design expertise has seen her designing for financial literacy education in India and strategizing cross-border payments services for immigrants. Today, Bhargavi leads the design team at Quovo, a financial data aggregation platform that powers robo-advisors and large financial advisory firms. At the Visualizing Finance Lab, Bhargavi brings her professional experience in financial literacy to research and test FLE concepts of narrative visualization.  


Nadia DeLane

VFL Associate Researcher

Nadia DeLane is a multimedia visual storyteller and content strategist working in film, print, and web. She graduated from Penn State and the School of Visual Arts with MAs in Literature and Visual Narrative and has published content for WholeFoods Magazine, Stone Lantern Films, Turnstone Productions, and AI-AP's Design Arts Daily. In addition to her work with the Visualizing Finance Lab, DeLane is a Digital Media Mentor with the NYC-based organization Girls Write Now.